Fine Friend Indeed

Some friend you turned out to be, Derek.
Loyal, generous, tender hearted man, after thirty eight years of being best mates you just piss off - just like that. 
What kind of bloody trick is that leaving us all stood there like lemons around your emptying bed, gutted and speechless, while you just sail off without a word or a wave or a bloody care in the world?
Well it's just not fucking good enough. 
We came to expect a lot more from you.

I have seen death too often to believe in death.
It is not an ending, but a withdrawal.
As one who finishes a long journey,
Stills the motor, turns off the lights,
Steps from his car,
And walks up the path to the home that awaits him.

(Author unknown)

Derek Elsworth 3/9/49 - 3/6/17


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